1- All people MUAT vacate premises prior to fogging if they suffer from any respiratory disease. People are obliged to disclose this health condition prior to the fogging application.
2- All people who suffer from respiratory diseases may return to the fogged area 30 minutes after fogging is conducted.
3- All people who have allergy against plant-based substances MUST leave the premises prior to fogging. All people who have this condition can return to premises 30 minutes after fogging is conducted.
4- Food to be covered prior to fogging application. However, vegetables and fruits are excluded. We cannot be held liable for any items not covered during service.
5- Our fogging will prevent viruses and bacteria. We can continuously help stop the spread of viruses with weekly service. We recommend general deep cleaning be done daily and a fogging service be done at least once a month for residential locations, weekly disinfection for commercial locations. We aim at creating the safest conditions for you, your family, workers, and your customers.